10 Reasons Why Work-Life Balance Is Important

Before you give up on your work-life balance dream, get clear around the reasons why work-life balance is significant.  Because understanding it isn’t just nice to know, but necessary for creating a balanced life.

And the need for work-life balance is more important than ever.  Especially given the unpredictable, often under-pressure workplace environment and the added blurring of lines between work and personal because of the need to work from home more often due to COVID.

But here’s the thing: if you want to have a more balanced life then it’s crucial to understand what balance even is.  Because most people get it wrong.   


Understanding What Work-Life Balance Really Is

To understand why work-life balance matters, it’s important to understand what work-life balance even is.

When thinking about what work-life balance means, most of us envision equalizing a see-saw (with work on one side and the rest of your life on the other side).  And we think that we’re supposed to equalize both sides, focusing on the amount of time spent on each side of the see-saw.

There’s just one problem. . . time isn’t the real problem (and you can’t balance your life in the way that the see-saw image suggests).  This is why there are so many work-life balance seekers that never manage to find it.

The good news is that you can stop obsessing over time and can banish the see-saw image once and for all.


What Is Work-Life Balance?

When digging deep into what a balanced lifestyle would look like, most people end up describing things like:

That means that work-life balance is really about feeling content. . . in who you are and the decisions that you’re making.  It begins with your mindset.  And it’s not something that you find.  Balance is created by YOU (through making tough choices).


What You Need to Know (To Create A More Balanced Lifestyle)

Since work life balance is created (not found), it’s imperative to understand the reasons why work life balance is essential. To create it, you’ll need to do the following:

All of these require courage, mental strength and resilience (as they’re not easy things to do).  


Why Work Life Balance Is Important For Everyone

Firstly, let’s determine what work life balance is for since most people think it’s something only women want.

But that’s not true.  Men care about having balanced lives too.

Men value balance just as much as women do.  The difference is the language they use.

Women talk primarily in terms of balance and leading meaningful lives.  Men talk about having time for their priorities and making an impact (both at work and in their family’s life).

When you drill deeper into what those mean, they’re talking about the same thing.  Balance is for everyone (men and women alike).


5 Reasons Why Work-Life Balance Is Important

Now let’s go through the top 5 reasons why work-life balance is necessary.

Reason #1: Work-Life Balance Means Less Stress

Workplace stress is estimated to be the 5th biggest cause of death in the United StatesAdditionally, a quarter of Americans identify their jobs as their #1 source of stress.

The biggest problem is that most people think they have no choice.  But that’s not really true.

Remember that work-life balance is ultimately created through your choices.  That’s also what’s causing much of your stress.  By agreeing to take on more work when you don’t have the capacity or not delegating work that could be delegated, you’re creating more stress for yourself.

Here are the choices that you could start making for yourself to relieve a lot of your stress and anxiety:


Reason #2: Work-Life Balance Will Improve Your Mental Health

One of the biggest reasons why work-life balance is important relates to your mental health.  When you feel balanced you’re more capable of dealing with negative emotions and thoughts.

The human brain isn’t meant to feel stressed out and under pressure all the time. 

Creating more balance in your life gives you breathing space to think, which allows your subconscious thoughts to bubble up to the surface.  

That will help you to better understand your feelings, know your thoughts, and actually deal with them.


Reason #3: Work-Life Balance Means Better Physical Health

Part of creating balance for yourself includes taking care of your physical health.  And yes, that includes things like:

If you’re like most professionals, then you’re chained to a desk most of the day and glued to your couch at night because of how exhausted and stressed you are (while drinking a glass or two of wine to take the edge off).   

That means that you’re rarely moving, often sitting and almost never outside.   

The simple fact is that human beings aren’t meant to sit so much.  Nor are they meant to be cooped up indoors. You’re meant to stand, move and get outdoors!

That means that achieving balance includes more movement and outdoor activity.  Physical activity (especially when you get your heart rate up) and spending time outdoors generates endorphins, which are hormones that make you feel more positive and good about yourself.  

Doing this will help you sleep better, give you more energy, and will give you a more positive outlook.


Reason #4: Work-Life Balance Improves Your Relationships

Working too much means less time with those you love.  But it also means less quality time with them too. It’s pretty difficult to be present and give others your full attention when exhausted and overwhelmed

A balanced lifestyle means more time with family and friends that’s high-quality.   

There’s a ripple effect that will help you be more positive about your life, your career and even your work relationships.

Сonnecting with and relating to people isn’t happening enough these days.  People are too busy (and allowing technology to get in the way of real human connection).


Reason #5: Work-Life Balance Increases Creative Thinking and Productivity

Keep in mind that our brain needs space to think.  It’s not meant to be constantly bombarded by people, social media, email, phone calls, and texts.

And you NEED space for clear, creative thinking.

Have you ever wracked your brain on a problem and feel stuck because no answer comes? Yet an answer magically appears (and you can’t believe you didn’t see it sooner) quickly after you let go of worrying about it?  The same thing happens when you have an unhealthy work life balance.

The other thing everyone wants is  to be more resourceful. However, the thing that will make you more productive is a better work life balance.  Think about it: you’ll feel better (both physically and mentally), will be more focused, and will be able to think more calmly.  Plus, you’ll be more motivated to work hard.  

Thus, you’re more likely to perform at a higher level because of your balanced lifestyle.   


Your Next Steps for Creating a Balanced Life 

Now it’s time to start creating a more balanced life.  And you begin by taking control of the things you can while letting go of the rest, which means focusing on your mind.  Building a less stressed, healthy mindset is the foundation to:

 Use the above-mentioned pieces of advice to create a better version of yourself and of your life! 


Discussion on Work-life balance

  1. Do you think you can manage your work-life balance? Why yes/no?
  2. Do you think people always had problems with it?
  3. If you work from home, is it helpful in improving the balance?
  4. Do you agree that work-life balance depends on our mindset – what we think and feel?
  5. Balance is created by YOU (through making tough choices). Do you agree? Give examples of hard choices.
  6. Are you good at prioritizing? Do you have any tips?
  7. Women talk primarily in terms of balance and leading meaningful lives.  Men talk about having time for their priorities and making an impact (both at work and in their family’s life). Do you agree?
  8. Which reason seems to be the most significant for you?

Reason #1: Work-Life Balance Means Less Stress 

Reason #2: Work-Life Balance Will Improve Your Mental Health 

Reason #3: Work-Life Balance Means Better Physical Health

Reason #4: Work-Life Balance Improves Your Relationships  


Listening Practice

Listen to a radio interview about maintaining a good work-life balance to practice and improve your listening skills.